Watch this excellent and informative pro-life training video and become equipped to make a defense for life when you are encountered by the opposition.
Making the Case for Life: Pro-Life Apologetics from Mark Harrington on Vimeo.
This is a true story written about Lee Ezell's own personal life experiences. At a very young age Lee found herself in a very bad situation. She was raped and became pregnant as a result of that rape. Ezell shares the emotions she experienced and how she turned to God and ultimately chose adoption for her baby. She talks about life before, during and after her pregnancy and adoption and how she eventually reunites with her daughter after many years. It is a story about life, choices and love.
I appreciated her perspective because she represents a small percentage of which is very controversial but seldom considered. She gives the reader insight into the thoughts and questions a woman in her situation faces. It gives this global issue a more personal view. The Missing Piece is an inspiring story of a touching reunion that will provide hope for those needing peace from God. It is definitely a recommended read. Lee Ezell is the author of 8 award-winning books and after reading this one I certainly want to check out her others.
I found this video clip of Lee and her daughter Julie that I hope will also inspire you to read this book.
"Together we will overcome."
-Lila Rose
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
When discussing the issue of abortion two key words must be highlighted in this infamous phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence. The first is CREATED. We were CREATED equal...not BORN equal. So many do not credit the unborn as being human and to those people I ask; "when are you going to get with the times??" Science has confirmed without a doubt that life begins at conception. A new life is CREATED at the moment of fertilization...not at birth...but at the very moment that the sperm fertilizes the egg. This is not a matter of opinion, this is scientific fact. Therefore, if all men are created equal, then this must include the unborn. The other word that is of great importance here is LIFE. It does not say birth, or exclude life altogther for that says LIFE is an unalienable right and if science has proven that life begins at the moment of conception, then again, we must extend the same freedoms to the unborn.
They are not called the "unalive" they are called unborn because while they are not yet born that does not mean they are not yet alive. Science tells us that they are, in fact, alive and part of the human race. Abortion destroys human lives and strips away their inherited freedoms. We must unite as a nation and declare independence from abortion. We must recognize the injustice and work to end it. Laws were made to protect the weak and we must outlaw the act of abortion that takes away the freedom of these fragile young Americans.
Contact your local life-affirming centers and pro-life politicians and start working to establish freedom for the unborn. If we stand united, we can bring about the change necessary to ensure that all Americans, even the smallest, have true freedom.
To the pro-life men and women fighting to preserve the freedom of ALL Americans and to those working to protect the lives of every human being: Thank you. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.
Legally, the fertilized egg of an eagle has more rights than an unborn child. And in Wisconsin, stepping on a snail can land you in jail - with a $10,000 fine. But a woman can have her baby killed, for a price, right into the ninth month of pregnancy - all within the confines of the law.
Abortion is a big business. And the abortionists are making a killing. They are rewarded with blood money for the slaughtering of innocent human beings. How is abortion any different than murder-for-hire? If a wife hires a hitman to murder her husband, it is a crime. But if a mother hires an abortionist (the hitman) to murder her unborn child, it is a choice. That is a flawed logic that is hard to believe is still widely accepted.
Since abortion became legal in 1973, our nation has lost an entire generation to abortion. We are beginning to see some of the effects of that diabolical decision, as universities nationwide find themselves strapped for students. How many Michelangelos and Beethovens have we destroyed in the name of choice? How many Einsteins and Edisons have we erased from the pages of human progress?
Abortion advocates repeatedly cite instances of rape and incest in their defense of abortion. However, only 2% of the 1.5 million+ abortions committed in the US every year are for reasons other than mere convenience.What is convenient is not always best, or right. In the case of abortion, Easy Street is a dead end.
A recently approved law in Rhode Island called the Lindsay Ann Burke Act requires all public middle and high schools to teach students about dating violence in their health classes. The law mandates teaching the warning signs of an abusive relationship in the public high schools. But more than just signs of abuse, the classes also teach skills for building healthy romantic relationships as well as healthy friendships.The National Association of Attorneys General has passed a resolution that the classes be offered at schools everywhere in the United States, and Liz Claiborne Inc. is helping to promote the idea across the country.
Having taught young adults in high school, I have seen young girls confuse controlling behavior for love and I myself, have been a victim of an abusive relationship. Though it's never easy to make someone see abuse for what it is when she's under the spell of romance (or fear, as the case so often is), maybe educating our youth about the difference between healthy passion and dangerous obsession will help prevent women from ever entering in to toxic relationships.
If you or someone you know is a victim, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE or visit their website:
Teen victims can also call the National Teen Dating Violence Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 or visit their website at
Check it out!
I encourage all of you to get involved in the pro-life movement in your own communities. Contact your local life-affirming pregnancy center and seek how you can use your talent and passion to help save lives. There are so many different ways you can make a difference and so many lives who need you. There are other helpful links on the side of this blog that you can click on for other pro-life organizations and info. You can help bring an end to the tragedy that is abortion.
Jill Stanek testified, under oath, as well as did other nurses, that this kind of disregard to human life was happening in our hospitals. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act enacted in 2002 by Congress extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. These are the kinds of laws we need enforced and protected and it takes public leaders who strongly value the life every human being.
The same political figure who voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act THREE TIMES is also the same man who created the current health care bill that seeks to expand abortions across the nation with the funding of our tax dollars. Do you now see the importance of voting pro-life?
Don't vote for political parties. Vote for leaders who will create and defend laws that protect human lives.
Teenage Girls & Sexual Pressure
There have been studies that show nearly half of teenage girls felt pressured into having sex on at least one occasion. Nearly a quarter reported having oral sex to "avoid having sexual intercourse" with a partner.
Approximately one in three adolescent girls in the United States is a victim of physical, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner – a figure that far exceeds victimization rates for other types of violence affecting youth. Nearly 40 percent of those girls also admitted to having unwanted sex because they were afraid that their boyfriend would be angry if they said no. Ten percent, though, said their partner forced them to have sex when they didn’t want to
Emerging Issues:
- One in five teen girls have electronically sent or posted nude or semi-nude photos or videos of themselves. Even more teen girls, 37 percent, have sent or posted sexually suggestive text, email or IM (instant messages).
- More than half of teen girls (51 percent) say pressure from a guy is a reason girls send sexy messages or images
- Twelve percent of teen girls who have sent sexually suggestive messages or images say they felt “pressured” to do so.
One in three boys ages 15-17 say they feel pressure, often from male friends, to have sex. Some boys claim having sex is more important than feeling the pleasure that comes with it. Being able to tell their friends is sometimes more important than any pleasure that they would share with their intimate or sexual partner.
18 percent of teen boys say pressure from a girl is a reason they sent sexy messages or images.
Eight in 10 teens say that a lot of people their age drink or use drugs before having sex and about a quarter said that alcohol or drugs had influenced their decision to do something sexual at least once.
These unwanted sexual experiences result in risk for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancies. Unwanted sex -- including rape and being pressured into sex -- has been related to depression and anxiety disorders in teenage girls. The physical and emotional effects that result from unwanted, or coerced sex are real and can both be equally as damaging to young teens.
Positive Approaches To The Pressures Teens Face
We need to give guidance to teens on how to communicate with each other, that means helping them to take more control over their sexual activity, and to understand what constitutes as pressure. The majority of teens believe that abstinence before marriage is a good thing but they also view abstinence as something that is unattainable. We need to reinforce the reality that practicing chastity is not only rewarding and effective, but it's possible, it is an attainable goal. We can do this by focusing on the positives of chastity and why it is so rewarding.
Positives of Chastity
- Clarity of vision -you can value the relationship beyond sexual pleasure
- Encourages creativity - allows you to find creative ways to express how you love and care for someone in creative, non-physical ways
- Lower Divorce Rate -couples who marry as virgins have a 70% lower divorce rate
- Training in faithfulness - couples who save sex for marriage are 6 times more likely to be faithful to their spouse in marriage
- Your "yes" means so much more -if you never say "no" to sex then what is your "yes" really worth?
- Frees us to love -you're not in it for the taking but in it to give, not give it away, but give a gift of yourself, only with self control can you make a gift of yourself
On the May 9 episode of the VH1 reality show, 'What Chilli Wants', TLC hip hop girl group member Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas opened up about her abortion.
In the video Chilli described aborting at age 20 for unfortunately common reasons, because she "didn't have the support" and "was so scared."...
This was also at the beginning of her musical career, she said, and she didn't know how she could do both it and motherhood.
So Chilli opted to "not have it" (couldn't say "abortion"), which turned out to be "one of the biggest mistakes," because she "didn't want to do that."
Then Chilli began to describe what abortion proponents say doesn't exist, post abortive stress syndrome as a result of her abortion. "It messed me up," she said, "I don't know, it broke my spirit."
Chilli felt she lost her "strong self," and that she "gave in, broke to what someone else wanted." Obviously, she felt pressured to abort.
She said she began to break down, to cry "because I wasn't a mommy" - almost every day for almost 9 years.
Chilli decided the only way to "fix it" was to have a baby with the same man, her 1st record producer, Dallas Austin .
Chilli doesn't talk about this in the video, but she indeed had a baby with Austin, son Tron, now ~13 years old, pictured right with her.
I very much appreciate Chilli's honesty.
It is brave women like her coming forward and sharing their painful, yet true and life changing stories that will help other women and bring awareness about the issue of abortion.
Cecile Richards, the current president of the largest abortion business in the nation, sent out Planned Parenthood's annual Mother's Day fundraiser today.
"It's almost Mother's Day ... and if you have a mother in your life who's anything like me or my mom (the late Texas Governor Ann Richards), then you know nothing would make her happier than a gift that represents bold and compassionate values. Like a gift in her honor to Planned Parenthood Federation of America," she writes.
"We've made it quick and easy — and we've even made it pretty," Richards adds. "Honor a mother in your life with a gift to Planned Parenthood. [It's] a gift your loved one will appreciate — and remember."
But I think Planned Parenthood would make more from its fundraising appeal if it didn't make it so there are fewer people who could give. Planned Parenthood could make even more money from its shameless exploitation of Mothers Day if they stopped making women childless from abortion, a better Mothers Day gift would be to organizations that help women cherish their motherhood, and that is life-affirming pregnancy resource centers. Give the gift of Life this Mother's Day and donate to your local pregnancy center in your mother's name and help other mothers in need and their children.
I spoke to my first audience of teenage students in March of this year and previous to that had always felt a need to step out and really reach out to our youth. I feel I have a unique perspective on the subject because of my own personal experiences and really wanted to provide these young people with the truth about love and relationships. I have always felt like we as a society were failing them by not educating them about not only the risks of casual sex but the positive rewards of practicing chastity.
It has always bothered me that the approach of abstinence based programs were more to scare the kids out of having sex instead of showing them how awesome sex can be if they wait! Rather than focusing on the benefits of chastity, the focal point seemed to be on the dangers of promiscuity and careless sex. Yes, we need to address both the negative consequences but we need to discuss the positive outcomes. I think there would be more success stories if we try to focus on the positives rather than the negatives.
I mean, if we're just telling them the bad things that could happen because of their poor choices they will just think "sex is bad" and sex is meant to be good when it is experienced within the exclusive bond of marriage. But if we don't tell them WHY it is BETTER within marriage then they are just going to assume that sex is sex so why wait when I can have it now?
I have had some positive responses from a few of these teens who have contacted me after my talks and I really feel like that is because 1. I was real with them. I told them the truth and made myself approachable...I didn't stand up there and talk at them, I allowed them to see that I am simply a normal person with a normal life and that it doesn't take a special person to make good choices, it just takes strength and courage...something that they all have and can use if they choose. And 2. I didn't focus on the negative aspects of careless sex, but instead the positive REWARDS of waiting. I really believe that this is key to reaching them so that they have a true understanding that they are in control and they have the ability to make great choices when it comes to relationships.
These young people are being sent all the wrong messages on t.v. through music and by many of the adults in their lives. We have made the excuse that "they are teenagers, teenagers have sex" but instead of buying into that, we need to take a stand and say "they are valuable individuals who deserve the BEST!" That's my heart's desire. I hope that I will have more opportunities to connect with our youth in the future and that others will join me in sharing the truth to these young people who just need a little honesty and direction.
- 1 in 5 adolescents currently have an STD
- Nearly 50% of teenage girls become pregnant while using the contraceptive pill and over 70% become pregnant while using condoms.
- The percentage of pregnancies that occur from abstinence is 0%.
With contraception, we can absolutely predict that some sexual encounters will result in pregnancy. The young, the poor and the unmarried are the most likely to experience a contraceptive failure. For these groups, pregnancy is not a rare accident, but highly likely. When the inevitable pregnancy occurs, guess who is ready to help solve her problem? That’s right: Planned Parenthood will sell her an abortion. The same people who teach sex education, which increases the demand for purchasing contraception, also sell the “solution” to contraceptive failure, which is abortion. Yet the federal government spends about $12 on contraceptive-related programs to every $1 spent on abstinence education.
We don’t give federal grants to tobacco companies to teach students “low-risk” forms of smoking on the grounds that “kids are going to smoke anyway.” We shouldn’t be giving federal grants to groups that sell contraception, to teach kids to use contraception.
Ever heard the phrase: "Medically Accurate, Comprehensive Sex Education"?
To the average person, a program that claims to be “comprehensive” and “medically accurate” sounds very acceptable. At face value it is almost understandable that school boards and city councils would be taken in by a program described like this.
However, the problem is that when Planned Parenthood claims that its sex ed programs will be “comprehensive” and “medically accurate,” it is lying, plain and simple. According to Planned Parenthood “condom use is, by far, a superior safer sex strategy.”If that were PP’s rationale, then it would only advocate for abstinence before marriage and fidelity to one’s spouse afterward, as it is the most “superior safer sex strategy” since it is 100 percent effective. We contend that the real reason Planned Parenthood doesn’t support abstinence focused education is simply because it isn’t one of the services PP sells.
I do believe that the abstinence focused education needs to focus more on the benefits of why practicing chastity is a positive thing, not just that it prevents pregnancy and STDs but that valuing ourselves and our sexuality enough to wait allows for true freedom and expression. Because the time will come where we can share ourselves freely and openly without fear of negative consequences and that time should come with the certainty that our spouse shares the same love, honor and respect that we have for them. You can't have the kind of freedom and respect outside of marriage, that's the reality. Chastity is not about preventing so much as it is about providing a foundation for true love and true freedom. That's the message I believe our teens need to hear.
Content warning: The following excerpts are from the sworn testimony of an abortionist and may (should) be disturbing to you. The entire testimony can be found HERE.
Testimony from National Abortion Federation, et. al. v. Ashcroft on Thursday, April 8, 2004.
Excerpts from direct examination of Abortionist Dr. Stephen T. Chasen:
COURT QUESTION: Dr. Chasen, in your experience, how is the fetal head extracted in a dismemberment D&E?
ABORTIONIST DR. CHASEN: The fetal head is extracted by placing the forceps around it and crushing it.
COURT QUESTION: How readily is that — how easy is that to accomplish?
ABORTIONIST DR. CHASEN: In some cases it is relatively easily accomplished and in other cases it is very difficult.
COURT QUESTION: Does it hurt the baby?
COURT QUESTION: But you go ahead and do it anyway, is that right?
ABORTIONIST DR. CHASEN: I am taking care of my patients, and in that process, yes, I go ahead and do it.
COURT QUESTION: Does that mean you take care of your patient and the baby be damned, is that the approach you have?
ABORTIONIST DR. CHASEN: These women who are having [abortions] at gestational ages they are legally entitled to it
COURT QUESTION: I didn’t ask you that, Doctor. I asked you if you had any caring or concern for the fetus whose head you were crushing.
SOURCE: National Abortion Federation, et. al. v. Ashcroft
U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
The Honorable Richard Conway Casey, Judge
Friday, April 2, 2004
Read more from this hearing
So here is the deal… we all can read articles and think or say how terrible they are, but how many of us actually go and try to do something about the injustice? As for the doctors who willingly commit these murders on the future of tomorow, are we not also partially accomplices to this? If we just sit around and let these things happen we are guilty of allowing this kind of human rights violation to occur. How easy is it for us to say "oh, that's horrible" then go on with our day as though nothing happened or to assume someone else will fight the fight for you, or worse, claim neutrality on the issue so as not to "offend" anyone. Yes, abortion is horrible, but what are we doing to stop it? Don't wait, don't put it out of your mind, don't say I'll do something about it tomorrow. We need to join together NOW and stop the killing of our children. Because if our children's lives are vulnerable to this kind of inhumanity, who is next? Don't just be outraged, be moved to action! This is YOUR moment of the end, YOU CHOOSE what kind of person you are going to be? A person who stands up for those who cannot speak for themselves or a person who stands by and allows this kind of injustice to happen to thousands of innocent human lives each and every day.


This animation was created to encourage thought on Earth Day and it really says a lot. How can we care about the environment if we don't care about humanity? I believe there is a strong correlation between the lack of respect for life and the lack of respect for our planet as a whole. If we don't think twice about destroying our own species, then why should we be expected not to destroy our planet with the same sense of dispassion?
I also must note that there is a difference between an environmentalist and a conservationist. An environmentalist flaps their lips, yet a conservationist works for harmony between humans and the environment. We need to care for our Earth but with the goal being that we are working to improve and protect the lives of humans. This kind of conservationist mentality should begin with respecting and protecting the lives of even the smallest, weakest and most vulnerable among us.
If we want to see respect in other aspects of our lives, such as in the care and protection of our planet, then we must first respect the value of human life from the moment of conception until natural death.
The group just released survey results showing an “intensity gap” among young voters. More than half (51%) of pro-lifers under age 30 considered abortion a “very important” voting issue, compared to just 26% of abortion-minded youth. This comes at the heels of a Gallup poll announcing that 18- to 29-year-olds are now the most likely, of all age groups, to favor making abortion illegal in all circumstances.
The wave of pro-life passion puzzles NARAL President Nancy Keenan. In this week’s Newsweek magazine, Keenan recalled her visit to the March for Life rally in Washington, DC. The annual event drew tens of thousands of energized pro-lifers. “I just thought, my gosh, there are so many of them and they are so young,” she told the reporter.
Pro-abortion activists aren’t accustomed to seeing so many young people in their circles. A natural ouffshoot of choosing a line of work that promotes death. But like most other abortion proponents, Keenan can’t seem to connect the dots. Where, they marvel, have all their young supporters gone? Former NARAL President Kate Michelman admits information is on the side of pro-lifers. “The technology has clearly helped to define how people think about a fetus as a full, breathing human being,” she told Newsweek. “The other side has been able to use the technology to its own end.”
And she’s right. Our mission is to educate communities with the truth, and we’re succeeding every day. Mothers continually tell us they decided against an abortion because they saw their baby by ultrasound. That they changed their mind because they read a brochure about the development of their unborn baby.
But there’s an even more obvious, and tragic explanation for NARAL’s problem. The mathematical reality is that their supporters grew up, exercised their “right” to kill their children, and now who’s left? A lot of blossoming families who do value life.
The beauty of the pro-life movement is our children. From small beginnings, they grow to become influential young adults who can stand for life, because they have it. Until every child is guaranteed that right to life, we will continue to fight with passion, with hope and with truth on our side.
For life,Leah Delcamp


I've been involved with the Terre Haute, Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center for many years. In fact, I used to play at the center when I was a little girl while my mom volunteered. I remember the old building vividly, the posters of the stages of a developing baby on the walls, the play room of toys for clients who had children, the small office in the back where my brother and I used to hang out while mom volunteered. Now, as a grown woman, I am seeing just how much the center has grown since I was a little girl. It's wonderful to see the positive changes that have happened over the years.
Last night was the Annual CPC Pro-life Banquet and Executive Director and life-long friend, Sharon Carey shared just what the center has accomplished over the past year and some of their goals and plans for the future. It's exciting to be a part of something you KNOW is making a difference in lives. It's so rewarding to know that you've even touched one life.
I have been involved in countless numbers of their Walk For Life campaigns and this past year I took professional photographs of the event -- it was rewarding to see those photos were used as part of the presentation last night. I got a little teary eyed seeing those photos flash up on the giant screen in front of an audience of over 800 people. I was able to use my passion for life and for photography for a great cause and felt overwhelmed by the blessing of it.
I was also encouraged to hear from the CPR program staff last night that they are now using my Healthy Relationships presentation that I did at a local high school last month as part of their program. For me this is personally HUGE! I went through a lot of struggles as a young teen and I know a lot of our young people are going through those same struggles and to be able to speak to them on a real level and possibly help them make positive life choices, particularly when it comes to relationships means that all of those struggles and all of the pain was not in vain. I am now using my past experiences to help people which turned a time in my life that was terrible into something good! SO AWESOME!
One volunteer named Sarah shared her testimony last night of how her heart has been rewarded by volunteering. An abortion-minded young mother came into the clinic and when that woman left she was still set on getting an abortion. Sarah prayed for this young girl and even sent her a card saying she wanted to be there for her no matter what her decision was but never heard back from the young woman. Sarah's profession is a delivery nurse so she knows very well about the miracle of life because she welcomes babies into the world everyday. 9 months after her interaction with this abortion-minded mother, she found herself in the delivery room with that young mother as the nurse who would deliver that very baby! It was so inspiring to hear her say "When I heard that baby cry for the first time, it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard and I've heard a lot of babies cry, but this cry was special." The mother then told Sarah that her card was the reason she kept her baby. She said she would hold it and say to herself "I can do this." More often than not, all these young women need is hope and encouragement. They need loving support and that is exactly why places like the CPC exist.
Abortion survivor, Gianna Jessen was the guest speaker and she is a lively young thing despite all she's been through. I was able to meet her and she signed her self-entitled book that I plan to do a review on once I have the chance to read it.
It was an all-around positive event. Because pregnancy centers like the CPC are NOT government funded and ALL of their services are FREE, they rely on generous donations from the community. They had hoped to raise $70,000 last night and they actually were able to raise over $96,000! This is HUGE for the ministry, so that no young woman will ever be turned away, and more lives can be saved.
I encourage all of you to get involved with your local life-affirming pregnancy center. Volunteer your time, talent and yes, your money to help these young women and men who so desperately need our love and support. I'm certain you will be glad you did!
Rachel's Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, with additional sites in Portugal, Australia and New Zealand. The program is an opportunity to examine your own abortion experience, identify the ways that the loss has impacted you in the past and present, and helps to acknowledge any unresolved feelings that many individuals struggle with after abortion.
Married couples, mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings of aborted children, as well as persons who have been involved in the abortion industry have come to Rachel's Vineyard in search of peace and inner healing. The following is just one of the lives positively impacted by Rachel's Vineyard and in light of Abortion Recovery Month I wanted to share with you her testimony.
If you are hurting, please know that you are not alone. There is hope. There is healing. There are those of us who care about you. No one can go back to the start and make a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Make today the start of your brand new life with hope.
- Abortion Recovery International
- Rachel's Vinyard
- Ramah International
- Silent No More Awareness
- Guys For Life
- Beyond The Dark Valley
- Option Line
Sayre police on Wednesday charged Orbin Eeli Tercero, 38, with criminal homicide of an unborn child, first-degree murder of an unborn child, aggra vated assault of an unborn child, aggravated assault, hindering apprehension or prosecution, and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
Tercero, of Williamson Terrace, was arrested Thursday by state police in Bath as a fugitive from justice.
He was arraigned in Bath Village Court and remanded to Steuben County Jail, pending a hearing on extradition to Pennsylvania.
The charges are based on the following events, according to police:
The victim, a 36-year-old woman from Sayre and a pharmacist at a Wegmans Market, said she had a two-year physical relationship with Tercero, also a Wegmans pharmacist.
Tercero was engaged to another woman at the time.
The victim, whose name is being withheld by this newspaper, told Tercero she was pregnant in mid-January.
Tercero told the woman he could use the drug misoprostol to induce a miscarriage. The victim told Tercero she would get an abortion instead.
The victim, however, made a Feb. 24 appointment for an abortion but changed her mind. She called Tercero to tell him she would keep the baby.
In late February, on the victim’s birthday, Tercero visited her at home and used misoprostol he allegedly stole from Wegmans pharmacy to cause the miscarriage.
Without her knowing it, Tercero put one pill in her vagina, one in her juice and one in her water. She was 13 weeks pregnant at the time.
When the victim began to miscarry, she found a partially dissolved misoprostol tablet among the discharge.
Tercero drove the victim to Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, where she miscarried.
Is it fair to suggest that society's view is that if the unborn child is "unwanted" then it is OK to kill him or her but if the unborn child is WANTED and someone causes harm to that child or kills that child then it is a crime? See the inconsistencies there? So why is it that the unborn have rights in some cases and not in others?
Killing an unborn child against the mother’s will is homicide in some 38 states. (Fetal Homicide Laws) But here’s where the schizophrenia sets in: every single state has an exception for abortion, thanks to Roe v. Wade. So if the mother consents to the child’s death, it’s not murder. How’s that for logic?
We clearly recognize the unborn as living human beings or we wouldn't have fetal homicide laws but we choose to turn our heads to the intentional killing of the unborn so long as we cloak the act with the word abortion or choice and dehumanize that child by denying their dignity and basic human rights. Abortion is the ultimate human rights violation of our time and we need to stop turning our heads and start protecting life even at it's earliest and most vulnerable.

This was the case for Terri Schiavo. 5 years ago today, Terri Schindler Schiavo, pictured below, died by order of the courts.

Here is a great video of a young girl who tackled the topic of Euthanasia for her 8th grade speech class. She makes some excellent points and proves to be quite passionate for such a young age.
Luke Gormally said, "Society's prohibition of intentional the cornerstone of law and social relationships. It protects each of us impartially, embodying the belief that all are equal."
Gormally also gives seven arguments of why Euthanasia should not be legalized. Read those seven reasons why Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide should not be legalized HERE.
These young people were so attentive and respectful and during my talk I could see on several of their faces that they had a whole new perspective on relationships, sex and about themselves. It was powerful! I had some incredible feedback and already have an additional date scheduled to speak at another local Indiana high school in May! I am very much looking forward to more opportunities like this. Empowering young people to want the best for themselves and for others is so fulfilling!
If you would like to check out my slide show presentation you can do so by following this link:
Self Value & Healthy Relationships presented by Leah Delcamp
I must note that my presentation has been edited for web format. My testimony was part of the program delivered in a public classroom setting but was not originally put into slides. In the classroom setting, I simply told my story verbally, not written out as seen on the slides. In order to integrate my story for online viewing I added slides 2 through 8, but to me it is not as effective as hearing me tell my story raw, and unrehearsed as compared to how it appears when written. I hope to add audio of my testimony at a later date to eliminate the written slide format that you see. For now, I hope that you can still get a clear understanding of my personal perspective through this web based version. All of the information you read is authentic and none of it has been embellished. The events happened just as they are told. Be sure to check out the notes for each slide to get more in-depth information. You can read the notes by clicking on the 'notes' tab located in the bottom left hand corner of each slide.
A big thank you to Sharon and Jill of the Crisis Pregnancy Center for coordinating this opportunity for me. I also want to thank the teacher and all of the students I had the pleasure of being in company with that day, you all made me feel so welcomed and your respect and attentiveness was truly appreciated. I hope that you benefited in some way from this, I know I did and you all were a part of the reason why. I also want to thank my amazing husband who gave me a love story that I can now share with the world and for supporting me in this and in everything I do. He's given me the strength and inspiration to pursue the best life has to offer. Above all, I thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for putting the desire in my heart and the dedication and courage to pursue that desire. He deserves all the glory for any and all success. I'd also like to thank my wonderful family and friends who encouraged me, supported me and prayed for me during all of this. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
After all, our efforts are not to make abortion illegal...but to make it unthinkable. If we can educate and empower our world that abortion is an unthinkable act, it won't matter if it is legal there will be no one left asking for abortions which means no more business for these abortion clinics and eventually we will see an end to the destruction of human lives. With hope, anything is possible. Keep the hope ALIVE! Together, we can do this.

What's on the negotiating table? A proposed executive order from President Obama that would allegedly bar abortion funding in the health care bill.
An executive order is an ineffective maneuver and completely unacceptable.
Here's why:
1. An executive order can be rescinded any time. President Obama could reverse it next week, next month, or next year. Should another pro-abortion president be elected in the future, it could be rescinded on inauguration day.
2. An executive order will not prevent insurance companies that provide abortion from participating in the exchanges.
3. Abortion funding in the health care legislation can only be removed using the legislative process. An executive order not only doesn't fix the problem, it isn't needed to fix the problem, and could not stand a legal challenge. If Democrats are serious about protecting taxpayers from funding abortion in the health care bill, they must use the legislative process to fix the problem.
Call the following members of Congress immediately and tell them that an executive order by the president on abortion is unacceptable and urge them to vote NO on the pro-abortion health care bill.
Marion Berry (AR) 202-225-4076
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) 202 225-3103
Daniel Lipinski (IL) 202-225-5701
Earl Pomeroy (ND) 202-225-2611
Nick Rahall (WV) 202-225-3452
Bart Stupak (MI) 202-225-4744
Steve Driehaus (OH) 202-225-2216
Joe Donnelly (IN) 202-225-3915
Jerry Costello (IL) 202-225-5661
Marcy Kaptur (OH) 202-225-4146
Paul Kanjorski (PA) 202-225-6511
Alan Mollohan (WV) 202-225-4172
