I think we could all use some good news after yesterday's devastating vote that imposed government funding of abortion under the guise of health care. More than 2,500 babies have been saved from abortion during the 40 Days for Life campaign that we know of so far. Just this spring there have been 368 babies saved (that we know of) Not only have those babies been spared from abortion, but the impact was also felt with each of their mothers and fathers. So that’s roughly 7,500 lives directly impacted by our prayers and efforts. And as we know, even pro-abortion workers, like Abby Johnson have been positively impacted by the campaign. So despite the government's efforts to expand abortion on demand we have to find hope that we are making a difference one life at a time. Saving even one life is a victory. Do not let this health care bill passing discourage you. We have been called to do the work and to not give up no matter what difficulties we are faced with.
After all, our efforts are not to make abortion illegal...but to make it unthinkable. If we can educate and empower our world that abortion is an unthinkable act, it won't matter if it is legal there will be no one left asking for abortions which means no more business for these abortion clinics and eventually we will see an end to the destruction of human lives. With hope, anything is possible. Keep the hope ALIVE! Together, we can do this.
After all, our efforts are not to make abortion illegal...but to make it unthinkable. If we can educate and empower our world that abortion is an unthinkable act, it won't matter if it is legal there will be no one left asking for abortions which means no more business for these abortion clinics and eventually we will see an end to the destruction of human lives. With hope, anything is possible. Keep the hope ALIVE! Together, we can do this.