The pro-abortion community preaches about how "safe" abortions are since becoming legal in 1973. As recent as September of 2009, Planned Parenthood abortion doctors have been quoted saying that "abortions are safer than having a baby". This is a bold face lie and here is an article that highlights studies proving that very statement to be FALSE. Follow this link to read the full article:

Legal abortions are NOT "safe" fact, 1 out of 5 women who have an abortion require a "surgical intervention" because they failed to abort and one third of women have adverse effects which include severe bleeding, half of which resulted in hospitalization. The death rate of women who have an abortion is THREE TIMES HIGHER than that of women who carry their baby to term. These are just some of the physical consequences of abortion. Women who choose abortion are also 2-5 times more likely to suffer from depression or have some sort of drug or substance abuse than women who chose life for their baby.

These are facts straight from published studies by respected gynecologists and physicians. The numbers don't lie. Abortion hurts women...mentally, physically and emotionally. Help bring an end to the hurt and injustice...pass on the facts. Share the truth with others through conversation or by re-posting these facts and other life-affirming information on your websites or blogs. By doing so, you will help in saving lives.

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