Former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson, left the organization after witnessing a 13 week old baby fighting for its life during an ultrasound guided abortion. This is a video of an interview Abby did on a popular Fox News show where she describes her experience and explains why she is now Pro-Life.
Pray that other abortion providers have the same change of heart that this woman had! If there is no one left willing to perform abortions there will be no more abortions being done and the killing of innocent unborn babies will end, the suffering from so many women who's lives are effected by abortion will diminish. Pray that this hope for a world without abortion becomes the reality. If everyone knew, truly knew what abortion really was and what it stood for and the effects and consequences I believe we would see an end to it. We have to help others know and understand. We need to educate our world and help in the effort to end such a devastating act that destroys so many lives. We are all called to help in different ways. Use your talents in a way that will bring healing to our land. Local Pregnancy centers and other Life Affirming Organizations can help you to discover just what you can do to help! There are several links on the right side of this blog to many of those groups I'm speaking of! Please take the time to check them out!