For every woman who participates in an abortion, there is a man. Although men are less likely to seek recovery, they suffer from many of the same emotional feelings as women.

I think most of us (myself included) often forget that abortion effects men too. We understand that abortion fatally harms children, we can even acknowledge that abortion hurts women but many of us don't realize or think about the fact that men too are hurt by abortion. I think this man's testimony speaks for many and I commend him for his courage and integrity!

There is healing and restoration to ALL who have been involved in an abortion. There are millions who have gone through many of the same emotions and the same hurt. The key to finding healing is to seek help. It is a sign of strength and courage to ask for help. There are some burdens that we're not meant to carry alone. There are people who want to be there for you and help you to get through whatever difficult situation you may find yourself in. You are not alone.

Here are a few organizations to provide you with the help you may be seeking :

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